Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. -- Albert Einstein
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The Beginning I have always loved trees. Like lots of people I recognized early on what beauty, shelter and magic they offer. So here is the story of how the Council of Trees started ‘talking’ to me. About 4 years ago I had a session with a friend who was in many of the ColorTherapy courses I attended. She offered sound therapy, which my intuition said I needed. I really wasn’t interested but I have learned to listen to my gut feelings. At the end of the perfectly sweet session she said to me “You are to bring in a new healing technique, go sit in a council of trees”. I asked her lots of questions and she reassured me that was all I needed to know. I left the session convinced I would start looking for that circle of trees immediately. Then I promptly forgot all about it! I walked in the woods regularly with my dog Lily and never even remembered what she’d said. Then Lily died in late January of ‘05 and of course my heart broke open. A few weeks later,some friends called and invited me walking, then such a strange thing to do without a dog. As we went down a narrow path in the forest, I heard the leaves clattering in an unsual way. Looking up I saw a beautiful circle of hardwoods and remembered what she’d said. I sat with my back against a tree, facing into the circle and emptied myself to receive. Nothing happened so I leaned my head back and swoosh, I felt everything disappear into the ground except my body. When I came up, I felt good but wasn’t sure anything had happened. All the rest of the day, I felt there was a voice far back in my head but I was too busy and feeling uneasy to stop to listen. So I climbed into bed relieved on one hand and perplexed on the other- why hadn’t I received even one message? Just as I deeply relaxed, the ‘download’ began. That’s what it felt like, someone speaking to me and all this new information coming in. I was tired and didn’t want to get up and write everything down and I wasn’t sure I would continue to hear if I got up. After about two hours, I must have fallen asleep. This was exciting stuff! The next morning I remembered everything. And this kept on 3-5 nights a week for the next 6 weeks. There was alot of repetition as the information built an understanding of the process and information I was to teach. One time I’d sat down to relax in front of the TV and was told to watch a certain program. It was a 60 Minutes show about Game Theory, which says that if we tell friends what we are going to do, then we are more likely to carry it out. This was a bit overwhelming for me and I wasn’t sure I had the guts to really bring in something new. So I told three friends what I was doing and they each gave me a book about healing. I was relieved to be reading others work and thought maybe I could train in their work and teach that. NO WAY! Even as I was reading these new books, the voice in my head said ”this is good, this is not”. It felt nuts! A voice of the council of trees in my head evaluating famous healers and their works. What I was being shown and told was definitely different than alot of what’s usually taught in spiritual circles though I knew deep down that what I was being given was valuable and I could feel it working in my own life. Many times we went back to find that circle of trees. We thought we were on the wrong path and we would find places that were similar but never the same. I work every day in a healing practice using CranioSacral Therapy and other techniques. During this time, I found that places in a persons body would light up and I would see what I was learning at night. One day a new client came in to see me. She was a Christian seer or an intercepter, as she called herself. I asked if she had a message for me. She took my hand and told me that I had been climbing the mountain for a long time and was now on the way down, almost to a deep clear pool. Another day she told me that when she sees people, she usually sees a fruit tree bearing fruit, meaning that person has a gift to share with others. When she looked at me she saw a giant Oak tree that was planting seeds for generations to come. I figured I should just keep going even if all this felt a little crazy at times! If I didn’t understand something, I would just ask for more information or to be shown what I was being told. The information was alot about grounding, balancing and how to bring the heart to neutral. “What was neutral?”, I asked as I drove to Asheville to help my daughter who was opening a new store. I then felt like I was dropped into neutral and held there all weekend. My wonderful daughter was cranky and my granddaughter was her usual teenage self. I felt nothing but love for them. All the conflicts disappeared and nothing else mattered. I felt amused by everything and just stayed in love all weekend. Wow, I thought, this is great! Integrating the information into a full teaching took some time and the help of my good friend Layla. At first I thought I was only to take people through an initiation process so I offered that to some of my clients and friends. I became discouraged as the process didn’t stick with some or was abandoned quickly by others. Then I realized that the few people who did use the process regularly were going through changes. I started to understand that an intellectual framework might be neccessary to fully incorporate what was shifting in the body. Layla and I slowly gathered the information into a whole teaching and offered classes. We learned alot about what worked and what didn’t as we continued to listen to ourselves and nature. For a long time it seemed that the council didn’t talk to me and now I understand that I was so busy inside learning to live this new way of being that I don’t think I could’ve absorbed more at that point. In the last few months though, I have been hearing little tidbits during the day or waking with definite sayings that they want me to incorporate into a book for children. I often can’t sleep at night without writing a page or two for a book I’m meant to write for adults also. Gratefully, when these urges come, the words come fast and easy. Thank you for reading my story. I hope to write regularly on what I’ve come to understand and the new learnings that continue to inspire me. A big thank you to The Council of Trees! Blessings, Laurel
Laurel's teachings are profoundly simple and simply profound. She frames our human experience in new imaginative ways grounding us in the sweet peace of reality. -- K.G.
Having recently completed Laurel Wilkinson's Living Wisdom classes, it seems that I have been able to restructure many disbeliefs that were unfortunately embedded into my inner self. It is nice to laugh at an old feeling, though, action, or pattern when it surfaces and then apply the strategies outlined in Laurel's curriculum. That is not to say that I do not have to practice. But once the revised methodology becomes more firmly attached, I find that I enjoy my day more in the now, exhibit tender feelings rather than angered ones, desire & discover simple outcomes rather than unpredictable complex frustrations, and to put it real simple-just live better in the now. Recently, I underwent orthopedic surgery. The surgical procedure was very successful, uneventful, trauma &medication therapy minimal, recovery & healing rapid without postoperative complications. Prior to & following the procedure, I applied Living Wisdom principles which facilitated lowered stress levels (mental, emotional, physical, & spiritual), yielding a positive balance including an elevated immune system that contributed to the positive outcome. It is relieving to dismiss the committee in my mind. The more that I utilize the Living Wisdom wisdoms, I find that I become more compassionate and sensitive to the Oneness within. It is satisfying to live from the inside out. --JBradley
It's impossible for me to remove Laurel herself from the equation of Living Wisdom as a new paradigm shift in consciousness. Laurel's been a personal friend of mine for about 23 years. Our children were in the same class. In that time, we've shared many highs, lows, spiritual insights, and life-altering events. Since meeting, her growth as a spiritual teacher and healer has grown exponentially. Which is why I decided to participate in Living Wisdom. We ran into each other at Whole Foods when I shared a health concern of long standing with her. She took the time to sit me down and give me a meditation technique that greatly eradicated my presenting symptoms. Because of the effectiveness of that technique, when I received an email announcing her second Living Wisdom Course, I wanted to know more. It was very clear from the first introductory class, my life could benefit incalculably. If I were to cull the many gifts this course has given me into one phrase, it would be: Psychic Flexibility. Learning these techniques is so simple on the one hand, it's easy to dispel their efficacy as being yet one more "new age" gimmick. Yet the results are irrefutable. I just returned from two weeks with my son and mother—a trip that heretofore has been fraught with power struggles and disharmony. With the exception of a small speed bump my last day, I was able to roll with the punches continually. Even my son noticed the change and commented on it (something he does not easily do). During that trip, there were numerous other events that would have pulled me from my center, perhaps even emotionally incapacitating me for a period. They did not. Nor do they as they continue to arise. My whole life, I've wanted to feel I was at home in my body. Said another way, my whole life, I've wanted to feel safe from within. Now, when I feel scared or anxious or off-center, I know exactly what to do. Thank you, Laurel, for generously sharing your wisdom with the world in a way that allows each of us to "come home." --L. Glenn
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