Thursday, August 28, 2008

Detachment- Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy holydays!
I was struck by something yesterday morning and so here I am sharing instead of working on dinner:). My son called Sunday at 8am and said the airline was offering $300 if he would take a later flight, getting here at 1:30pm. I immediately said great, take it. He called back 15 minutes later and said they didn’t need him so he’d be in at 10:15am. I had climbed back in bed between the first and second calls and just felt happy. I was going to see my son today and we’d have a week to be together.

I realized that I had no attachment to when he came in, didn’t even give it a thought (thanks to the trees). In the moment, everything is good. In my past, I would’ve been up checking the weather, which I’d heard had been bad the day before. I would’ve been sad about losing 3 hours and how that affected our plans for the day, which I would’ve made. But I hadn’t made any plans and wasn’t worried. Hallelujeh!

It is such an amazing feat to realize I am living my life from a different deeper perspective. This feels easier, lighter and more respectful of who I am. I am not trying, grasping, worried or planning. I am here, present, open to what comes, yet feeling all as an expression of me at the soul level. I am chosing my life from each breath, grounded in my earth home, and connected to my divine self too. My mind is there, in the background, churning away, part of it all. As part of my whole it has it’s place, as does my body, my heart and my divinity. In this place there is a wonder and awe at the present, which is a Present and tears come from deep gratitude for the simplicity and beauty. This is a holy day, a holy moment. Take it!


Laurel and The Council of Trees

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