Thursday, August 28, 2008

Balance- Sunday, December 16, 2007

Achieving balance in our lives can certainly be a challenge, especially if we live outside of ourselves. What does that mean? Living outside of ourselves means we are looking outside for our energy, our truth and what we should do. It’s training from when we were little to keep us safe and conforming. It’s a natural thing really.

Yet now we are not little anymore and we are still looking outward. Sourcing from within takes a little practice, we do it all the time but we may not stay there, especially in the presence of others. We want to be present for others in our lives, a very nice thing indeed. But where are we present for others if we are not there for ourselves? When sourced from within our lives are grounded and can contain all the wisdom from our bodies, our feelings, our intuition and our minds.

Here is balance, here we are staying in our home, here we are already full. Being clear in taking care of ourselves, we are not looking for nourishment from others, or from the drama of everyday life. Everything we need is within us and isn’t it a relief to get off the rollercoaster.
Yes, do go out and enjoy yourself! Have fun with friends and family! Just live from the inside out.

Laurel and the Trees

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