Thursday, August 28, 2008

Committment- Sunday, January 6, 2008

Dear Friends,
Who is charge of our lives? It feels like a vicious circle. We stay in our heads so we are out in time(past or future), so we are not present. The past or future rules our thoughts and needs, we try to control what’s happening to us with careful planning and goal setting. Yet the present is the only place where we can be full, where we can really take care of ourselves. Not being present we search outside of ourselves for recognition and validation and distraction. We go around in a circle of neediness and unfullfillment, we are really going nowhere.

Let’s stop and take a few deep breaths and reach into our feeling bodies, into our physical bodies. We all have so much unresolved stuff that staying here is a challenge and this is where most people are, so that’s normal, right? Not knowing a way out we tell ourselves that we’re doing pretty good.

Is there something more? Yes, say the Trees. We can learn how to be with ourselves, how to be present in our lives. Yes we will forget who we are and be pulled out into time.The trees teaching gives us bridges into our present. Learning to listen to ourselves, we heal our old wounds and nourish ourselves. The present is timeless and full, here there is deep joy, simplicity and laughter. It is a committment to a new reality and the freedom we deserve.
Blessings on the New Year,

Laurel and the Trees

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